Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Literally hopeless

Rhianna's hit single, "We Found Love" has a music video that screams sex, drugs, and love. Throughout the entire video Rhianna is either groping the male character or touching herself. She also wears very little to no clothing in many of the scenes throughout the video. Is the logic that if an artists wears little clothing and acts provocatively in a video their records will sell at a faster rate. The video promotes the message that drugs and alcohol make the process of falling or being in love better. This is NOT true at all. Drugs and alcohol bring nothing but negativity into a person's life. I think that if the women who fought for female equality viewed this music video they would be ashamed of the image Rhianna is portraying women. Although she does leave her love interest towards the end of the video, she remains with him in their volatile relationship for the majority of the video. This promotes the idea that women are weak and depend on man to keep them content with life even the relationship is not healthy for both individuals.    

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