Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Does the name not say it all?

Guess is known for their provocative campaign ads, where skin is shown more often than the actual products. I thought this ad campaign featured for fall 2011 would be a perfect example of how women are sexually exploited in advertisement with mass media. The woman in the ad almost appear naked due to the fact that the top she has on is nude color and exposes a large amount of cleavage. If you look closely you can almost see the outline of her breast and the product is specifically placed right next to her breast. This is NOT by accident. The saying, "sex sells" is true in every aspect within the promotion of a product. The main focus of ad is to promote the message that "sexy" women wear Guess perfume. The manner in which she is looking at the camera must also be taken into consideration as well. Her eyes are very enticing and seductive in a way. Her mouth is also slightly open which would promote a sexual meaning. If a man came across this ad he wouldn't be interested in the product but rather at the features of the woman. Guess could be considered the top promoter of the phrase, "sex sells".   

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