Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bella: "love struck teen" or "just another case of 16 and pregnant"

The romance between humans, vampires, and werewolves was first introduced to mainstream media in 2005. Since then not only have teen aged girls become obsessed with the series but a more mature audience has joined this vampire craze as well. My main focus is not how, "Twilight" became a vampire/romance craze but how the female statue was portrayed. The reason why I titled this entry,  Bella: "love struck teen" or "just another case of 16 and pregnant", is because a teenage girl in love with a vampire having a baby isn't the perfect message for the various pre-teens and teenagers who watch the series of films. I'm pretty sure Bella did not just wake up one day and by miracle she became pregnant. The physical act of sex is never shown during the film, but its pretty obvious that the baby just didn't fall from the sky.

Bella's character almost makes women seem desperate in a sense when it comes to falling in love with two men. It also a bit sleazy as well. Not only does Bella go off with Edward's character in the first series of the film, but in the second she is seen falling in love with Jacob's character. I had to ask myself, do men see women in this way when it comes to romance? Do we really seem that desperate? Sleazy? Helpless? I would like to think that men view a majority of women as strong and powerful individuals who do not lose their self respect over two love interests. If Bella was a teenage girl in a normal high school setting during this situation I know she would be labeled a slut. And Edward and Jacob would not be judged upon their actions at all. I could never understand this concept of blaming one but not the other. In the following third series of the film I hope to see Bella representing women as the strong, independent individuals that are in today's society.

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